War Party Paranormal research is a team of advanced technical investigators in the area of paranormal research based in South Florida. We are innovative in research and development of our own equipment and the use of the latest technology available in the field. We are a team that puts our clients first and stays with them until their issues are resolved.
War Party Paranormal research does all locations - residential, commercial and we also can be found at conventions and events. We are dedicated researchers that do not charge our clients for help. Our team is comprised of various experts with extensive knowledge in a diverse range of areas in the paranormal field.
We are a a team of individuals who don’t want other people to live in fear. We bring our collective experience and expertise so that our clients don’t live in fear. With over a hundred collective years of experience between our members in the paranormal field our team is comprised of experts in the unknown. Each team member brings an extensive knowledge in various and unique areas within the paranormal. Our team includes technical experts, theologians, spiritual intuitives, scientific researchers and historians.

War Party Paranormal
Talk Show
Monday’s 9:00 pm. to 10:00 pm EST. War Party Paranormal Radio hosted by a team leader Eric Vanderlaan and Co-Host/investigator Mike Del Coro of the War Party Paranormal Research. War Party Paranormal is a team of advanced technical investigators in paranormal research-based in South Florida. We are innovative in the research and development of our equipment and using the latest technology available in the field. In addition, we help people who have problems with the paranormal in their homes or businesses. We are a team that puts our clients first and stays with them until their issues are resolved. Tune in as Team Leader/Host Eric Vanderlaan will be airing a live paranormal investigation from the previous weekend with his team member. Viewers can watch live. He will show the evidence captured on the show with a round table discussion with team members. Each show can vary. We will be investigating 2 locations in one night to discuss which site is the most haunted—showing the evidence and including a round table discussion with the investigators who conducted the investigation. Eric will be bringing in guest paranormal investigators from all over the U.S. to discuss their local haunted locations with evidence. Other shows we will be conducting a live paranormal workshop on the latest paranormal equipment and how to conduct an investigation properly. Stay tuned for some excitement and learning about all things paranormal from experts in the field! It will be like no other paranormal show ever seen!!
War Party Paranormal
Joins Paraflixx
"The Haunted Files"
Mike & Eric with War Party Paranormal star in the new series called “The Haunted Files” each episode Mike Delcoro & Eric Vanderlaan will search for paranormal activity in different locations trying new and different techniques. Mike & Eric are seasoned Paranormal investigators with years of experience in the field. Now Streaming only on Paraflixx streaming platform. Use Promo Code: THEHAUNTEDFILES25 to get 25% off you Paraflixx annual subscription! https://paraflixx.vhx.tv/the-haunted-files-paraflixx-paranormal-plus

Use Promo Code: THEHAUNTEDFILES25 to get 25% off you Paraflixx annual subscription!